Himalayan Capital Limited


Beneficiary Details
Permanent Address
Correspondance Address
Same as Permanent Address
Details of Family Members
Details of Occupation
Guardian's Details
Bank Details
Nominee Details
I want to enter Nominee Details
Upload Photo

Sample Photo

This is compulsory field. you must upload passport size photo else there is chance of rejection

Upload Signature

Sample Signature

This is compulsory field. you must upload only the signature area and crop the unused area.

Upload thumb image

Sample Thumb

This is compulsory field. you must upload thumb of both thumb first right then left. The distance between thumbs must not increase 10cm.

Upload PAN Certificate

Sample PAN

This is not compulsory field. You must upload pan certificate both language with cropped part only.

Upload Location

Sample Location Map

This is compulsory field. You must upload present location taken from google maps.

Upload Nominee front Citizenship

Sample Nominee Front Citizenship

This field is compulsory if you enter the nominee details. You must upload Nominee citizenship front side only with cropped part showing the citizenship part only.

Upload Nominee Back Citizenship

Sample Nominee Back Citizenship

This field is compulsory if you enter the nominee details. You must upload citizenship back side only with cropped part showing the citizenship part only.

Upload Birth Certificate

Sample Birth Certificate

This is compulsory field. you must upload passport size photo else there is chance of rejection

Upload Guardian Photo

Sample Photo

This is compulsory field. you must upload passport size photo else there is chance of rejection

Upload Guardian front Citizenship

Sample Front Citizenship

This is compulsory field. You must upload citizenship front side only with cropped part showing the citizenship only.

Upload Guardian Back Citizenship

Sample Back Citizenship

This is compulsory field. You must upload citizenship back side only with cropped part showing the citizenship only.

Terms and Conditions

I /We shall accept to the terms and conditions relating to the agreement between Depository Participants and Beneficial Owner, prevailing act, regulations, byelaws and any amendments on it. I/We hereby acknowledge that the above disclosed details are true. I further hereby consent to borne any legal actions in case any false disclosure of information related to me/us and the Depository Participants reserve right to close my account. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Reverify These Fields

Himalayan Capital Limited

We will be back to you after confirmation.